Sunday, January 27, 2008


not bacause of exam stress
not because anybody challenged me to do so
not because it's too hot in India
not because the barber was sleeping


Sunday, January 6, 2008


Realized that friend can actually disappoint you. (OMG I’m back on blogging!)friend actually means - according to the dictionary

1. a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
2. a familiar or helpful thing

kinda disagree with the second point cause recently I’m totally struck with the way friends can disappoint me. (why long time never blog dy?!)they are so unfamiliar and unhelpful to me.

Probably because I was the one who disappointed other people more, so I never had the feeling of being hurt by friends. (so your new year resolution is to blog everday ar?!)that I’ve been trying to change. I tried to stop doing things that I did, changed the way I talk and act just to be a good friend to others. Like what I always believe, friendship involves two parties. I have to be a good friend to have a good one. Duh! (why suddenly decide to blog again one?!)

But for the past few days, things are just not right. When I talked to a friend, I felt like I’m talking to myself. When I’m at home, people just pretend that I’m not around, or probably do not exist at all. When I missed my alarm and overslept, nobody even bothers to wake me up. When I’m not feeling well, nobody bothers to concern about that.

I always make a point to treat other people well. Part of my new year resolution. For example, I always wake my housemate up if he missed his alarm so that he can take his bath and groom himself for class. I always make a point to share any good movies I watched with friends. I always buy my housemate snacks when he’s stressed up. I always pray for my friends.

Well, of course I don’t expect other people will do what I do. That won’t stop me from being a good friend to others though.

And I won’t stop loving my friends even if I wake up late and feel miserable,
I won’t stop recommending movies to my friends even if I were to watch them alone,
I won’t stop sharing my snacks with my friends even if I were to eat them up alone.

For we don’t do good things just because we want others to treat us well. Right? (so when are you updating your blog next?! In a year time?! )

Of course I still have good friends who are there to support me here in Manipal.

I got a friend who fed me so well that I could gain back all the nutrients that I’ve lost when I’m sick.
I got a friend who gave me 101 tips on how to make friendship special.
I got a friend who teaches me music during worship session.
I got a friend who hijacks my bike-ky-ker to go library that I had to walk to church. Haha!

And I can turn to Jesus whenever I’m lonely, for He is my best friend.

John 15:13 says, greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friend.

Jesus laid down his live for me!!!

Ps: nope, blogging is not my new year resolution. Will try to update as often as I can.