Monday, May 21, 2007


for the whole of last week, found myself coudln't concentrate in studying. everytime i tried to study, i'll fall asleep in no time! or probably pharmacology is THAT boring that i can't stand it.

moreover, i was having polyphagia - craving for food, in another words.

Yin Yee: "look what's wrong with niCk. he's been eating a lot wey!"

after much studying about cestodes, trematodes and nematodes (basically parasitic worms), i suppose i have worm infection and decided to go for deworming considering any "-todes" can get their way into my stomach easily in India.
got hold of a tablet of Albendazole, which claimed to be effective against all the worms.
took it, i mean, chew it since it says it's chewable.

and the effect was: back to study!

of course, the worm came out, i suppose, coz my next pangsai after that chewing was kinda different. (sorry, no picture for that, and you don't wanna see that)

basically, deworming is part and parcel of life in Manipal...


Inn Shan said...

i think i oso need to dworm myself..
anti-helminth drug i suppose it's called? hehe..

Anonymous said...

eh... does it mean the worm actually causes u to lose concentration while studying??? hm... interesting.. haha.

k0k s3n w4i said...

So you saw mayat-mayat cacing in ur sai? Maybe I shud take some albendazole just to see what turns up.

Anonymous said...

I took the tablet too...
but nothing happens...
the 'sai' still looks normal -.-

Phoon KM said...

Is it a "lazy worm" you're talking about, or it's really a parasitic intestinal cestode?

Phoon KM said...

If it's a real worm then you said about being sleepy all the time...I think I have it too :O

I sleep each time I'm in the lib, even if I just woke up from a nap before going to the lib!!!

The drug is available in the drug stores right? What are the A/E? *malas nak check book*

Dammit, second year syndrome.

Phoon KM said...

Also, I eat damn lot lately, especially the 10am break, I'll have the nasi lemak, 2-3 samosas, and sometimes 2 more sweet buns. Then one box of juice.

I really think I got a worm infection. AH!!!!!!!!!!!!

niCk said...

just tell them "boss! deworming pill!" haha! don't need any medical term for that.

@kok sen wai
no la, it looks different. at least there's no undigested cacing hanging from my anal canal.(thank God!) they say have to pull it out manually in that case

@yu wei
tell them "boss! deworming pill double!" hehehe...
next time do "sai" examination. sure can find something one! (i didn't la!)

yeah! albendazole doesn't kill lazy worm which i think i have also.
and hello~ you're metabolic rate is 64375208252times more than me ok. if you wanna eat like the way i do. you'll pengsan. nothing wrong with you eating alot.