Saturday, November 15, 2008

I've Decided

Talked to one of XYZ leaders just now. Really glad to know that DUMC is one of the church in the world holding the highest standards when it comes to BGR. Thanks to the boldness of the leaders in church to address such issues in order that the members develop a proper BGR and to ensure an everlasting marriage.

Knowing this, I've decided:

To hold on to whatever that XYZ has taught me and

Not to expect that others, even christians, to follow the same standards that I follow.

For all you know, when you try to help, people might think that you're weird or misunderstands you for doing it with other motives. So, no point burdening myself with other people's problem.

Enough is enough.

Move on, niCk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wished i knew DUMC ealier..
anyway have a nice day ahead n God bless!
